They lied to us: Time sometimes doesn’t make everything go away.

It’s been 7 months and counting, nothing has changed.

Joan Amanwi


Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

They say time heals all wounds.

But does it take away the memories of what happened?

I mean the ones that haunt.

At odd hours when you believe everything has slipped away.

Time may heal wounds, but some wounds just can’t be taken care of in time. It’s been months since I lost my aunt. The memories of her fighting the devil Cancer still lives on.

Fresh as a cornfield during harvest.

I still have clear pictures of her telling me she’s fine, even when her face showed how deep the pain had eaten.

It’s been 7 months and counting.

Her picture greats me with a resounding good morning every day.

Whenever I get stuck, I feel like calling for backup.

Then I remember; my backup is gone.

Sometimes I can’t tell what hurts most, the fact that she left so soon or the fact that we watched her suffer before leaving. Would things have been better if we didn’t see her go through all that pain?

I can’t tell. But I hope she’s happy now.

No more sleepless nights.

She finally slept for good.

I lost my dad before I even knew who a dad was. That experience doesn’t haunt me as much as this.

Is it because I spent most of my life with her?

Maybe it’s her positive attitude towards every situation life shot at her which made me wish she never leaves. She was an inspiration.

She knew I was strong.

I guess that’s why I was the only one she said these defeating words to… “I wish to die and rest”.

Am I selfish to wish she stayed just a little bit longer?



Joan Amanwi

Hola! I think here and speak on YouTube: — MA Communications — Writer — Content creator