The Death of Hope & Why I Write

What else is there to look forward to as 2020 comes to an end?

Joan Amanwi
3 min readDec 6, 2020
Photo by Zhifei Zhou on Unsplash

It’s my birthday, and I’m not sure if this year is worth celebrating.

What else is there to look forward to? Where are the happy December vibes? Everything feels numb — Yet I write!

Writing is a way of expressing my thoughts in a one-man only environment void of interruptions and alternate views.

It is my zone of freedom.

Most of my writing comes from a place of confusion, not clarity. I don't always have a clear picture of what these dancing fingers on my keyboard will produce—all I do is pour out my heart, and hope it makes sense to someone somewhere.

I took some time off to figure out why I write. I write because I think. My thoughts are a combination of books I read, the people I meet and the unique experiences in my miniature world.

Writing is my path to discovery.

In case you are looking for someone who knows it all, I’m sorry to have failed you. Life isn’t that linear. I wish I had all the answers. If I did, I won’t have to write. Writing is my road to clarity. One that sometimes leads to more confusion on the way.

I write to think!

