My Journey to Twenty Something!

Joan Amanwi
4 min readDec 5, 2018
Even though I doubt where this road will lead to, I trust the God leading me! #Jesus take the wheel!

Okay so it’s officially one day to my twenty….something birthday and I’m wondering what this new age has in store for me and what new miracles the heavens are backing for tomorrow.

The fear of the unknown gripped me early this morning, but strangely I felt happy and eager to go about the day. I can’t wait to face new challenges,meet new people and just live life purposefully without any reservations.

This year has been a roller coaster of bitter sweet experiences, some of which I hope to get the courage to share openly one day.

All through January 1st till this very day, I have been to different planets of experiences and back, but wherever I seemed lost,God has been my strength and guide. Even when I stumbled and believed I deserve worst, he held me by the hand and has been forever by my side.

My spiritual life has been tested millions of times and I have failed more often than I can remember. However, these failures brought me closer to God’s grace and mercies in some extraordinary way and enabled me appreciate what I was blessed with.

I made new acquaintances this year and lost a few friends and loved ones too, I got a financial uplift and lost a portion of it as well, I fell in love and lost it sooner than expected, I cried alone at night but smiled with friends and family at the appearance of the morning light.

I hid my true emotions for my protection, but still felt naked and unprotected. That is when I realized I was a victim of my own thoughts and judgments, my own sins and errs. Yes I needed protection, but not from the devil without but from the heat and traumas hidden deep within, beyond the smiles and pretty face, deep down the gold mines of my soul.

I learned to forgive myself for what I could control but never did, what I couldn’t control but stressed nights and days about and most importantly, what others did to me knowingly and unknowingly.

This single act of forgiveness and happy living saved me from all the demons; both withing and without!

This year I learned the precious value of family, having to sleep alone at night was’t something I was used to. I missed my sisters, my mom, my dad, cousins and friends more; at this time than ever before.

This year was a bloody year at home, people were killed and massacred, families displaced and women mercilessly abused. I didn’t experience it firsthand but it shredded my soul to see my home turned into a devastating play grown for the military and gangsters.

YES I became an aunt this year ^_^, I can officially say I have one person I’m responsible for, the first prince of the family. He brought not only joy, but unity and serenity in our home and I hope he grows up to be a God fearing and purposeful lad.

Sicknesses attacked as well, but like I always say, nothing is beyond the will of a man, we made it our duty as individuals and as a family to fight through the sickness with God being our helper and guess what? HE WAS THERE EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!

About my job, hihihi I love every challenge I’m exposed to and I appreciate my boss and colleagues for their support in improving me professionally and as an individual. I believe I have the best boss and working team #Blessed!

My intimate relationships? well it’s been a zig-zag stroll but we will see what it becomes soon.

Marriage? hahhahah the pressure is high, and I expect it to be higher next year. Everyone believes NOW is the best time to get married; they play the pressure pots and cook one dry lol. However, I’m not rushing into anything that’s going to last a lifetime. The pressure pots can keep cooking, I’m hard enough to withstand the heat!

Friends? I made less this year, kept my circle small and focused on those who were going my way. I had many acquaintances however and it’s been a fun ride so far.

There’s so much more I will love to say, but I guess this is the best summary of my journey to twenty something!

I’m grateful to God for how far he’s brought me, and the people he surrounded me with for support; as well as those he kept on the way as guides.

I’m grateful for my family.

I’m grateful for my friends.

I’m grateful for Love.

I’m grateful for you, yes YOU ^*^

Most importantly am grateful I’m ME!




Joan Amanwi

Hola! I think here and speak on YouTube: — MA Communications — Writer — Content creator